Let's Get Your AC Ready for Winter
As summer comes to a close, winter will be here before you know it. Homeowners should be aware of several important ways to keep their air conditioning unit in great shape as the winter passes. By taking these precautions, residents can save themselves time, money, and a headache when next summer begins. Our team of experts at Coan Heating & Cooling provide tune-ups and repairs to help you take the necessary steps to ensure next summer starts without a hitch.
Tips to Keep Your AC Unit in Top Shape
Tip #1: Shut off the Power to Your Air Conditioning Unit
The first tip is quite simple, turn off the power to the unit. If you don’t kill power to the unit or manually shut it down on surprisingly warm winter days, your unit may turn on. The running unit has the tendency to draw in moisture from the air, resulting in water settling on the AC components, which can later freeze when temperatures dip. As a result, parts may become damaged, rusted or corroded.
In the event that this has already happened to your air conditioning unit, feel free to fill out our Schedule Service form or call our office at 800-262-6462 to allow one of our experts to inspect the unit or make a repair.
Tip #2: Clean Your Air Conditioning Unit
The next tip is to clean the air conditioning unit. Over time, it is highly likely twigs, leaves, and other debris have accumulated on and around the AC. Brushing off the unit and clearing the nearby area should prevent the unit from becoming clogged with debris when the AC is fired up again in the warmer months. If you believe debris has entered the interior of the unit, contact Coan Heating & Cooling.
Bonus Tip: Performing routine tasks such as changing the filter or cleaning the coils can also keep your cooling system in great shape.
Tip #3: Inspect the Condition of Your Air Conditioning Unit
Inspect the unit for cracks, leaks, rust or other potential irregularities. These may seem like minor problems, but they may evolve into serious problems in the future. Coan’s experts are happy to examine your AC unit to make sure it is in tip-top shape.
Tip #4: Invest in a Cover for Your Air Conditioning Unit
Investing in a cover for the air conditioning unit is a smart and effective way to prevent debris, falling ice or water from getting into your unit and causing damage. Make sure the cover is made of quality materials to ensure the unit’s safety from harsh weather.
Bonus Note: Be sure to check if your pipes are insulated. As temperatures drop, pipes left unprotected have the potential to burst or crack when they freeze.
Tip #5: Monitor the Status of Your Air Conditioning Unit
The final tip is to monitor the condition of your AC unit periodically throughout the winter and clean debris from the unit to remove unnecessary stress from weight. During the monitoring process, ensure the cover is still secured and covers the entirety of the unit.
If you have any further questions or would like to schedule a consultation, give us a call at 800-262-6462 or contact us. Read more about our air conditioning installation and repair services. Learn about the air conditioning equipment we provide.