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Getting Your Heating System In Order With Coan Oil

admin  -   12:15 pm  -   August 27th, 2020

The heating season is approaching, and we want to make sure our customers are fully prepared for whatever the change in season brings our way. Let’s start by testing your heating equipment to make sure it starts up!

Follow these steps to test your heating system:

  • Turn up the heat at least five degrees higher than the current room temperature. If it’s a clock thermostat, make sure the timer is set correctly or place it in “manual” mode. A working heating system will spring into action in a minute or two, letting you know you’re ready to take on the winter! If it doesn’t turn on…

  • Check your switches! Make sure the emergency switch and all other switches on the heating unit are on.

  • Check for any blown fuses or tripped breakers. If necessary, replace any blown fuses or reset your circuit breaker.

  • Check the oil. Check your tank gauge to see if there’s enough oil in the tank.

  • Push the “Reset” button ONE TIME ONLY. If none of the above applies, find the reset button, which is usually located next to the burner. Do not press the reset button a second time under any circumstances.

Is your heating system on? Great! If not, don’t worry – you’ve caught it early enough that you can schedule a service call with Coan Oil to get everything back into working order.

Speaking of working order, if your heating equipment is running properly it’s important that you keep up with its annual maintenance. These regular tune-ups help your heating equipment by…

  • Keeping it clean

  • Keeping it efficient

  • Keeping it in good repair

All of this leads to a happy and healthy heating system, and an even happier family during the winter months! Start thinking about your comfort this heating season. Test out your heating equipment and give us a call to schedule your heating system tune-up!