Some homes and businesses can reduce their heating costs by upgrading the burner that provides the flame for the boiler or furnace. Coan Oil installs burners from top manufacturers.

Beckett Oilheat equipment offers you the very best in engineered efficiency and advanced technology. Upgrading to a new Beckett burner provides you with a high-performance product that runs quietly and is engineered to last. And owning a Beckett burner can lower your service costs in addition to lowering your fuel costs.

Carlin is an industry leader in producing outstanding burners that offer unmatched fuel/air mixing, smooth light-offs and quiet running. Proven for years in the field and in extensive boiler and furnace testing, Carlin burners cover the range from residential to commercial, to meet your oil burning needs.

Considered North America's most advanced oil burner, the Riello 40 Series is a product of years of engineering excellence. Riello has been at the forefront of burner technology since our first line was introduced in 1920. Today, Riello's scientists and engineers continue the tradition - developing new materials, processes and technologies, and incorporating only the best into Riello products. No other burner offers Riello's combination of fuel efficiency, reliability and ease of maintenance.