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Bioheat® Fuel and the Path to Net-Zero Emissions

- 10:00 am - August 15th, 2024

When it comes to carbon emissions, net-zero is the name of the game. The heating oil industry has answered the call in a big way by switching to liquid renewable heating fuels like Bioheat® fuel. For over a decade, Bioheat® fuel has been changing the landscape of the heating oil industry and powering a boom in the renewable liquid fuel market.


At Coan Heating & Cooling, we have always strived to help reduce carbon emissions in addition to providing reliable service and deliveries. Bioheat® fuel requires no modifications to existing heating equipment. If you rely on heating oil for heat and hot water, you can seamlessly transition to Bioheat® fuel and begin reducing your carbon footprint immediately. When combined with new, energy-efficient heating equipment, Bioheat® fuel produces even fewer carbon emissions, and your home can reach net-zero emissions with the use of B100 Bioheat® fuel!


What is Bioheat® Fuel?

Bioheat® Fuel is a blend of ultra-low sulfur heating oil (ULSHO) and organic biodiesel refined from used cooking oils and other plant-based oils. The fuel blend is named after the percentage of biodiesel used to create Bioheat® fuel. For example, B5 is 5% biodiesel and 95% ULSHO, and B100 is 100% renewable biodiesel. The first B100-compatible burners were created last year, and heating oil dealers have started to offer B100 for delivery!


How Does Bioheat® Fuel Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?

The renewable properties of the biodiesel in Bioheat® fuel reduce the greenhouse emissions of sulfur, nitrogen oxide, and carbon dioxide. The higher the blend of Bioheat® fuel used in your boiler or furnace, the greater the reduction of carbon emissions! Coan Heating & Cooling proudly delivers B20 Bioheat® fuel which helps save thousands of metric tons of emissions a year!


Coan Heating & Cooling is proud to help move Natick and Massachusetts closer to our goal of net-zero carbon emissions by delivering B20 Bioheat® fuel to all of our customers! Request your delivery online and begin reducing your emissions today!