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admin August 20, 2021
The heating season is on its way! With all of the work your furnace or boiler will be doing comes the normal wear and tear that all heating equipment experiences, but you can help your equipment prepare for it with an annual tune-up....
admin August 18, 2021
Looking for a new cooling solution in your home? At Coan Heating & Air Conditioning, we install the latest central air conditioning and ductless mini-split air conditioning systems – so you can find the right AC equipment that suits your household’s particular needs!...
admin June 22, 2021
Your air conditioning system does a lot to keep you comfortable – so return the favor! Just by signing up for an air conditioning system service plan with Coan Heating & Air Conditioning you’ll keep your home cooling equipment in top shape....
admin June 09, 2021
Other than backyard barbecues and baseball season, the springtime also brings with it common spring allergies that might get in the way of Massachusetts homeowners feeling comfortable in their homes. Coan Oil can help with that!...
admin June 09, 2021
Your air conditioning system has worked hard last summer, especially considering all that extra time you and your family might have spent at home and increase in the equipment’s usage. After all of that, will you be able to rely on it again this year? You can be sure of it with an annual air conditioning system tune-up from Coan Heating and Air Conditioning!...
admin June 09, 2021
Bioheat® Fuel is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional heating oil and natural gas heating....
admin June 09, 2021
Springtime is a great time to start thinking about your air conditioning system and whether or not you believe it’ll last through another summer under these stressful pandemic conditions. Spending more time at home means relying more on your AC equipment, which means more wear and tear. Can your AC tough it out?...
admin June 09, 2021
Massachusetts homeowners have been depending heavily on their furnaces or boilers this winter, which also means there’s a good chance they might notice that those heating systems aren’t heating their homes properly!...
admin December 24, 2020
When it comes to energy savings, homeowners will look down every avenue and leave no stone unturned to find the best value for their hard-earned dollars. While rising energy costs aren’t exclusive to any one source of energy, there’s a reason that more than 9 million American homes and families choose heating oil over gas to maintain comfort and reasonable heating costs....
admin November 23, 2020
All home heating fuel is not created equal! At Coan Oil, we proudly deliver Bioheat® Fuel heating oil – a cleaner-burning alternative to traditional home heating oil that helps Massachusetts homeowners cut back on greenhouse gas emissions and maintain clean furnaces and boilers....
admin October 20, 2020
When it comes to your home heating equipment, you’ve likely heard the term “normal wear and tear” used when describing what typically happens to equipment during standard use. The thing about this year’s heating season is that “normal” is anything but normal, and you might have to consider making certain adjustments to accommodate for any changes at home!...
admin September 25, 2020
As time goes on and technology advances, everything is becoming automatic! Why haven’t your Bioheat® Fuel deliveries followed suit?...
admin August 27, 2020
You read that right, we’re already thinking about your heating system! The heating season is approaching, and we want to make sure our customers are fully prepared for whatever the change in season brings our way. With that in mind, let’s start by testing your heating equipment to make sure it starts up!...
admin July 30, 2020
Some Massachusetts homeowners may believe that bigger is better when it comes to their air conditioning systems. Others might believe that a smaller system will use less energy and save them more on utility bills. The truth is that neither school of thought is the correct one!...
admin June 25, 2020
Now more than ever your air conditioning system is going to be a big contributor to your comfort, and that means you should be doing everything you can to ensure efficient, reliable and durable operation. Luckily, we have just the thing to help!...