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Let’s Clear the Air: Indoor Air Quality Solutions

- 10:00 am - July 18th, 2024

Summers around the Metrowest region can be as hot as they are humid. While we all look forward to backyard barbecues and outdoor activities, you might also be looking forward to those afternoons spent relaxing in your cool, air-conditioned home.


But what if, when you sit down to shut your eyes, you are struck with a sneezing or coughing fit? That could be in your future if your home’s air quality is suffering from allergens, dust, or bacteria. Over time, our air conditioning systems collect various particulates that can circulate around our home and aggravate allergy or asthma symptoms.


Improve your comfort this summer and limit the chances of an indoor allergy attack by contacting Coan Oil for premier indoor air quality solutions!


How does poor indoor air quality affect people?

  • Irritated eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Coughing
  • Scratchy throat
  • Headaches
  • Dry skin
  • Nasal congestion


Depending on the issues that you’re experiencing at home, there are a variety of solutions that can best improve your indoor air quality. That is why we install different state-of-the-art equipment to combat every issue our customers face and maximize your time spent relaxing inside.

Air Cleaners

Coan Oil sells, installs, and services whole-house air cleansing systems. These top-of-the-line air quality systems can eliminate dust, bacteria, household chemicals, and other particulates from your home's air. They can fit seamlessly into your central comfort system to eliminate any bacteria, mold, pollen, dust, or viruses before they are allowed to enter your home.


Whole-House Humidifiers

The best way to tackle humidity problems at home is with a whole-home humidifier system. Unchecked moisture can be a breeding ground for harmful molds and bacteria. Coan Oil can install a central humidification system that works with your heating and cooling equipment to improve humidity levels for year-round comfort.  


The best way to learn the quality of your home’s air or which system would best suit your needs is to contact Coan Oil so we can schedule an evaluation!


Call us at 800-262-6462 to speak with an air quality specialist!